Scratch operates on a visual stage of 480 x 360 virtual pixels, and can be viewed at varying dpi –

There is also an offline version now, which largely matches the basic capabilities of the web version, omitting online-only features. It is available as a web application online, and implements a visual stage as the program output. It’s a visual programming language, consisting of composable code blocks that form the elements of a program. The best place to start is the Scratch web site, where there is a description of the project [ Scratch is a tool for implementing computing projects based upon many years of thought, and it is well worth taking a look. It has hopefully been a while since you were introduced / subjected to a computer based teaching tool.

I’ll be up-front here and state my target audience is the ‘noble corporate toiler’. I’d like persuade you to my viewpoint by going through what I see are the Good Points. When I look at Scratch, I see something ‘different’. Scratch is an environment designed to help young people learn to code.